Morning Musings. 1. November 2023

While I think that in some ways human imagination and creativity are incredible and seemingly limitless. I find that the majority of us end up applying what we have experienced or seen. So most times there is some of our ego in what we do. Which is interesting and positive when it comes to making art for example.
But the more I reflect on it the more I find that most of us apply this to all actions and thoughts.
So most of our actions come through a viewpoint of our own experience and views and are thus permeated with at least a small part of it.

How is one truly selfless? How does one put “one’s self into someone else’s boots”? Without dragging one’s own experiences and views into it?

I think that letting go of one’s own history to look at a situation or to act from a “fresh” point of view is one of the most difficult things to do. And in reality, it is most times nearly impossible.
Is it necessary?

When it comes to the current situation we find ourselves in, it is what Humanity desperately needs, in my opinion.
People who act with no agenda or personal gain. People who act from a space that is free of the ego, their desires, and fears.
Those actions- the actions that come with intention straight from the heart- have the most impact. No matter how small. They are the seeds that can change the world

An entire city can not change one man. But one man can change the entire city.

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